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Selected Academic Works.

Please note this section only includes selected academic journal articles. For various non-academic op-eds and commentary, please read Happymon's CV.

Happymon Jacob. (2020). "Toward a Kashmir Endgame? How India and Pakistan Could Negotiate a Lasting Solution." United States Institute of Peace (Special Report). 

Happymon Jacob. (2017). "Ceasefire Violations in Jammu and Kashmir: A Line on Fire", Peaceworks, United States Institute of Peace.

Happymon Jacob. (2017). "The Secessionist Movement in Jammu and Kashmir and India–Pakistan Relations", International Studies, 51(1) 1–21.

Happymon Jacob (2017). “Time to Consider a Trilateral Asian ABM Treaty”, Off Ramps Initiative, Stimson Center. 

Happymon Jacob & Anamika Asthana. (2017). "Role of States in India's Foreign Policy," International Negotiation, 22 1-27.

Happymon Jacob. (2016). “Putting the Periphery at the Center: Indian States’ Role in Foreign Policy," Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace.

Happymon Jacob. (2016). "“The Kashmir Uprising and India-Pakistan Relations: A need for conflict resolution, not
management," Asie.Visions (90).

Vipin Narang, Happymon Jacob & Kathleen M. Vogel. (2015) "Correspondence," The
Nonproliferation Review
, 22:2, 113-122.

Happymon Jacob. (2015). “Nuclear Security Governance in India: Institutions, Instruments, and Culture," Cooperative Monitoring Center, Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque). 

Happymon Jacob. (2009). “Contemporary India-Pakistan Relations: a View From New Delhi." AIIA Policy Commentary, Australian Institute of International Affairs.

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